How to provide a memorable Olympic experience for volunteers
Our sport volunteering expert and founder Nada Rochevska in the latest interview for Um Dois Esportes, the joint sports website for Gazeta do Povo-leading newspaper in Southern Brazil, and Tribuna do Paraná, two newspapers that belong to the same publishing group, Ms. Rochevska is discussing what it means to be a Volunteer and Volunteer Manager from both perspectives and how both positions have enhanced her life.
What are some of the benefits of volunteering? Some benefits of volunteering can include gaining new skills and experiences, feeling a sense of satisfaction, and answering interesting questions like:
What are the most common misconceptions people have about sports volunteering?
What are the main reasons why people quit their volunteering assignments during competitions?
Why should people consider volunteering at a major sports event?
And what are the most common mistakes made by those who manage volunteer programs?
We’ve included the English translation of the interview below, with the original link in Brazilian–Portuguese language